Teaching and resources for English and Music

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Mediant Studies

LMusTCL Model Answers


This unit consists of the following (click sections underlined to see samples):

You can order sections of these resources separately, or as well as the course and/or other resources.  Except for Section A question i, the files are not included in either the course or the resources.


Please click here for further information..


If, as you are working through these, you then decide you need to ask questions or seek help, contact us, describing the help you need.  You will be sent an estimate of the cost of providing that help.


You may if you wish answer questions from past papers, and send your answers in for detailed comments, for an extra fee. 


Click here for information about charges, making payments, and the policy regarding refunds.


I must really appreciate, what an abundance of material you have put together!
Hyderbad, India
October 2015

Download an order form for a set of model answers as a Word document or a pdf file.


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